U.S. Skiing - and Men of the 10th Mountain Division
No history of the 10th Mountain Division would be complete without documenting the contributions made by its veterans to the explosion of the U.S. ski industry in the years immediately following World War II. The winter sports world would never be the same. From coast to coast...wherever there were mountains and snow…these men left their mark as ski instructors, national and international competitors, coaches, resort developers and managers, equipment designers and manufacturers, patrolmen, ski shop owners and operators, ski writers, and, yes, just happy-go-lucky ski bums. The following roster was compiled a number of years ago from information provided by the veterans themselves. And it is certain that there were many others who are not listed here but who nevertheless played a major role in setting the stage for skiing’s post-war boom. It is significant to note that 30 of these 10th Mountain Division veterans have been inducted into the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame in recognition of their accomplishments. Unfortunately, the years have taken their toll, and many of those listed here are no longer with us. But all of these men will be remembered for their dedication to the sport of skiing and their love of the mountains.
Dick Wilson (85-M)
* * * *
ACKER, KARL (87-B): Ski school founder/director and area manager, Pico Peak, VT.
ADAMS, DAN (85-I): Manager, Big Tupper ski area, NY, 1960-68; manager, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center, NY, 1968-80; manager, Gore Mountain Ski Center, NY, 1980-82.
ARO, EDVI (87-K): Ski instructor; manager, Donner Summit ski area, CA.
ATWATER, MONTY: Snow ranger/avalanche expert, US Forest Service, Alta, Utah.
BARBER, MERRILL, “MEZZY”: Member, 1948 U.S. Olympic jumping team and 1950 FIS U.S. jumping team.
BEARD, ELTON (86-l): Ski instructor, Mt. Sunapee, NH.
BECK, ALLAN F. (126th Engineers): Eastern ski lift builder.
BECK, KEN (86-B): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID.
BECK, ROBERT: Ski team coach, Montana State University.
BENEDICT, FREDERICK A. “FRITZ”: (Hq-126th Engineers); Founder, 10th Mountain Division Hut & Trail System in Colorado; designed master plan for Vail, Snowmass and Breckenridge and additions for Aspen and Steamboat Springs; member, Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
BENNETT, EDMOND D. (87-K): Manager of food services, catering and huts, Sun Valley, ID; licensed Idaho packer.
BENNETT, NELSON A. (87-I): Ski patrol director, Sun Valley, ID, 1946-60; general manager, White Pass ski area, Yakima, WA, 1960-85; manager, U.S. Olympic ski team, 1958; assistant director, Alpine ski events, 1960 Winter Olympic Games, Squaw Valley, CA; FIS technical delegate since 1952; member of FIS Alpine Courses Committee
since 1971; president, Pacific Northwest Ski Assn; USSA Julius Blengen Award, 1990; member of Pacific Northwest and U.S. National Ski Halls of Fame.
BERG, RUSSELL W. (87-L): Ski instructor, Rib Mountain, WI, 1947-50; ski school director, Rib Mountain, WI, 195 1-66; member National Ski Patrol; organizer of numerous youth ski programs in Wausau, WI, region.
BERRY, JOSEPH B. (85-C): Director, Montrose Ski Bowl, PA.
BIDWELL, BERT: Ski shop owner, Aspen, CO; donor of 10th Mountain Division memorial, Aspen, CO, 1997.
BOTHWICK, DON (10th Recon/MTG): Ski instructor. V
BRODEUR, ARTHUR C. JR. (87-M): President/director, Springfield, MA, Ski Club.
BROOKS, JEDDIE P. (86-F): Ski school director, Otis Ridge, MA.
BROOMHALL, WENDALL B. (87-A): Manager, Rumford ski area, ME; member, U.S. Olympic ski teams, 1948 and 1952; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
BROWER, DAVID (86-Hq-3): Executive Director of Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth.
BROWN, CONRAD: Ski instructor, Mad River Glen, VT; author of several ski instruction books.
BROWN, NORMAN (86-Hq-1): Ski instructor, Dodge Ridge, CA; ski instructor/ski patrol member, Donner Ski Ranch and Sugar Bowl, CA; assistant ski team coach, Skyline High School, CA.
BROWN, WILLIAM ‘SARGE’ (86-L): Civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CC; mountain manager, Vail, CC; international competition official; member Colorado and U.S. National Ski Halls of Fame.
BULKLEY, FRANK (87-A): Founder/president, Eskimo Ski Club and Eskimo Ski School, Winter Park, CC; ski shop owner, Denver, CO.
BUCKLEY, SAM (86-A): Ski instructor, Winter Park, CO.
BUTTERFIELD, GORDON: Ski coach, Lewis & Clark College; mfgr. rep. for K2 and Head Ski Companies; ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID
CAMPBELL, CLARENCE E. “BUSTER” (87-Hq): Ski coach, University of Washington; president, Pacific Northwest Ski Assn.
CARLSON, THOR (86-A): Ski instructor, Stratton Mountain, VT, Sierra Ski Ranch and Donner Summit, CA.
CHAFFEE, JAMES R. (86-A): Manager, Mt. Batdy Ski Area, CA; 45-year member of National Ski Patrol.
CHASE, CURTIS C. (87-G): Ski School director, Aspen, CC, and Red Lodge, MT; civilian survival instructor, Stead AFB, NV; member Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
CONNIFF, JAMES H., JR. (86-E): Ski patrol, Aspen, CO.
COOK, WALTER R. (Div Hq): Ski instructor, Marquette Mountain, Ml, 1989-92.
CRAM, WENDALL (MTGI87): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID, Pico Peak, VT, and Stratton Mountain, VT.
CRAM, VERN (86-B): Ski school director, Pinnacle Mountain, NH, 1964-65; ski instructor, Hogback Mountain, VT, 1966-67; ski patrol, Maple Valley, VT, 1968-78.
CRAMER, THOMAS (85th): First bi-lateral leg amputee to earn professional ski instructor certificate.
CROOKES, DARROCH (87th): Manufacturer’s rep, including White Stag and Groswold Ski Company.
CROSS, BERT (86-K): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID, and Big Bromley, VT.
CUNNINGHAM, GERRY (86 Med-Hq 3): Founder and president, Gerry Mountain Sports, Boulder, CO.
CUSHING, JOSEPH D.: Ski school director, Belleayre Mountain, NY; civilian ski and survival instructor, Stead AFB, NV.
CURTIS, CLEMENT (86-K): Assistant ski school director, Mt. Mansfield, VT.
CUTTER, DONALD DEJONGH (87-B): Darmouth College ski team, 1946-47; director of winter sports, U.S. Army, Garmisch, 1951-56; member and coach, U.S. Army ski team, 1952-55; general manager, Okemo Mountain, Ludlow, VT, 1956-62; general manager, Ascutney Mountain, VT, 1967-68; director, Vermont Ski Area Operators’ Assn., 1959-63; owner/operator retail sporting goods/ski shop (Art Bennett’s Sport Shop), Hanover, NH, 1962-82; consultant to numerous ski area developments, 1962-90.
DAKIN, ROBERT (87-D): Ski instructor, Pico Peak, VT.
DALEN, OLE B. (87-F): Ski instructor, Big Mountain, MI; assistant ski school director, The Homestead, Hot Springs, AR.
DAVIS, WILFRED S. “SLIM” (Div Hq): Ski instructor; ski/snow Ranger with U.S. Forest Service for 40 years, including 17 years as USFS Director of Recreation in California; USFA liaison official for 1960 Winter Olympic Games in Squaw Valley; member, Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
DEARBORN, NEIL C. (85-Med-3) Ski patrol, Cannon Mountain, NH, 1945-46; ski instructor, Franconia, NH, 1946-47; captain, New England College ski team, 1947-50; director of skiing, Schenectady Parks and Recreation Assn., NY, 1953-55; founder, Cheshire CT Ski Club, 1960; member, New England College Athletic Hall of Fame.
DeGRACE, JOSEPH A. (87-I): Manager, Mt. Watatic ski area, ME.
DEMPSEY, WILLIAM S. (10 Med): Ski instructor, Smugglers Notch, VT, 1966-1979.
DES ROCHES, RALPH A. “DOC” (85-B): President and CEO, Laurel Mountain Slopes, Ligonier, PA, 1957-63; executive vice president and CEO, Ski Industries America, 1963-81; charter member, Professional Ski Instructors of America; active member of numerous regional, national and international ski organizations, including U.S. Ski Assn., U.S. Olympic Ski Games Committee, Federation Internationale de Ski (FIS) and National Ski Areas Assn.; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
DEWOLFE, WILLIAM (87-L): Ski instructor; ski shop owner; Rochester, NY; manufacturers’ rep.; founder, Burby Hollow ski area, Bristol, NY: president, New York State Professional Ski Instructors Assn.
DILLMANN, FRITZ C. (MTG): Ski instructor, Big Bromley, VT, and director of Big Bromley junior ski program; noted artist; architect/designer/builder of alpine-style chalets.
DODGE, PHELPS S. (86th): Civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO.
DOUCETTE, ARTHUR (87-Hq-3): Ski school director, Black Mountain and Mt. Cranmore, NH.
DRAPER, ART (86-Med): Manager, Belleayre Mountain and Whiteface Mountain, NY.
DUELLEY, EARLE 0. (87-L): Ski patrol, Mt. Cranmore, NH
DUKE, H. BENJAMIN, JR. (86-L): Twenty-year member of Board of Directors, Vail Associates, including chairman from 1983 to 1985; was serving as finance chairman for the 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships at the time of his death in 1996; major benefactor for the 10th Mountain Division Resource Center, Denver Public Library; nationally-ranked competitor for the national Master Races; member, Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
DUKE, PAUL E. (87-K&L, MTG): Ski instructor, Stowe and Big Bromley, VT, Aspen and Winter Park, CC; civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CC; area manager, Ski Bowl at Government Camp, OR, Red Lodge Mountain, MT, and Breckenridge Ski Corp., CC; coach/coordinator for 1962 and 1968 U.S. National Biathlon ski teams.
DUNAWAY, WILLIAM R., “BIL” (10th Recon/MTG): Assistant ski team coach, University of Washington, Seattle; editor, National SKIING; editor/publisher, Aspen Times.
EARL, GEORGE F. (87-SVC): Director, Syracuse University ski team; Chairman, USEASA Certified Professional Ski Instructors Committee.
ELVRUM, JOHN (86-Hq): Manager, Snow Valley, CA; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
ELY, ROBERT (616 FA-Hq): Manager, Mount Ascutney, VT.
ENGEN, SVERRE (86-A): Ski school director, Snow Valley, CA, and Bogus Basin, ID; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
ENGL, SIGFRIED “SIGI’ (87-G): Director, Sigi Engl Ski School, Sun Valley, ID, 1952-73: member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
ENGLE, JOHN M. (87-L): Vice President/Production & Manufacturing, Ski Business Magazine, 1982-92.
FARLEY, GLENN B. (87-K): Ski school director, Priest’s Slopes and Snow Basin, MA.
FLAGG, MASON B. (87-A): Ski school director, Barre Ski Area, VT; president, Scandinavian Ski Club; advisory commission, Mt. Watchusett ski area, MA
FLEMING, GEORGE (MTG): Mountain manager, Jackson Hole, WY.
FLOTO, KENNETH B. (87-B): Remained in military service following WWII as organizer/director of U.S. Army military/civilian recreation center, Garmisch, Germany; coach, U.S. Army ski team for International Military Sports Competition; instrumental in establishing U.S. Army Biathlon Training Center, Ft. Richardson, AK; coach/trainer, U.S. Army Biathlon Team; member, Professional Ski Instructors of America and National Ski Patrol.
FOEGER, LUGGI (86-Hq): Ski school director, Yosemite and Incline Village, CA, and Grey Rocks, Quebec; assistant ski school director, Sun Valley, ID; ski area design consultant; ski film producer; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
FORD, GRANT B (85-C): Ski team captain, Amherst; president, Zipfelberger Ski Club, Denver, CC; president, Southern Rocky Mountain Ski Assn., 1951-54; director, National Ski Assn. (now USSA); member and trustee, National Ski Patrol System; certified national ski jumping judge, national referee and course setter; recipient of Halstead Memorial Trophy; instrumental in development of Loveland and Hidden Valley ski areas in Colorado; member, Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
FRAUSON, ROBERT N. (86-A): Ski/snow Ranger, U.S. Park Service, MT.
FYSH, KENNETH M. (87-K): Active cross-country and jumping competitor, 1946-56; accredited National and FIS ski jumping judge, 1957-72; president, Eastern Jumping Judges Assn., 1966-68; president, Nansen Ski Club.
GABRIEL, PETER (MTG): Ski school director, Franconia, NH; civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO.
GAGNON, TOM (85-A): Ski jumping coach and jumping judge, St. Paul, MN
GAST, GARRY (87-K): Founder, Mt. Hood Ski School, OR.
GEISLER, BRAD (85-Hq-3): Civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO.
GNEHM, AUGUST ‘GUS’ (86-A): Ski school director, Bear Canyon, Bozeman, MT, ski shop owner, Bozeman, MT, and manufacturers’ rep.
GOODENOUGH, TAP (86-E): Ski writer/cartoonist.
GOODMAN, DON (87-E): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID; designer/manufacturer of Goodman Release Binding.
GOODMAN, LEON (87-E): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID.
GRAHAM, LOUIS: Ski patrol, Jimmy Peak, MA, 1947-90.
GRENIER, LELAND: Ski patrol director, Mt. Sunapee, NH.
GREENLEAF, ALFRED (87-H): Ski instructor, Otis Ridge, MA.
HACKETT, WILLIAM D. (87-C), Major, USA (ret); remained on active military duty for 22 years following VVWII in various command assignments for U.S. Army mountain/winter warfare training and cold weather equipment development in North America and Europe; chairman, National Ski Patrol, European Division; climbing expedition leader/participant to major ranges of the world on all seven continents and 134 countries; founder, Bill Hackett Company, Portland, OR, manufacturers/importers representatives for skis and ski-related products; member, Western Winter Sports Representatives Assn.
HADLEY, JAMES B. (87-L): Director, ski patrol, Dutch Hill, MA, 1960-62, and safety director, 1969-79; sectional and regional National Ski Patrol chief, 1957-67.
HAEMMERLE, FLORIAN “FLOKIE”: Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID.
HAGEMEISTER, HANS (10th Recon):. Founder, Hagemeister & Lert, ski equipment/clothing importer & distributor, Los Angeles, CA; ski instructor.
HAMPTON, WALTER (87-G): Executive vice president/general manager, Mission Ridge ski area, CA; ski jumping judge/official and technical advisor to numerous regional, national and international events, 1947-77.
HANSEN, FRED (86-L): Ski trail designer, Mt. Sunapee, NH, and other New England ski areas.
HART, WARREN (87-G): Ski school director, White Hills, NV.
HARTMAN, HAL (85-E): Ski patrol member, Aspen and Snowmass, CO.
HASTINGS, ANDREW D. (85-E): Ski school director, Nashoba Valley, MA, and Brookline, NH; one of nation’s first ski instructors certified to teach physically-disabled skiers.
HASTINGS, MERRILL G., JR (86-A): Ski school director, Berthoud Pass, CO, 1947-49; founder and publisher, National SKIING (forerunner of SKIING Magazine) and National Winter Sports Trade Magazine; member, National Ski Patrol.
HAWKINS, GLENN (10th Recon/86-C): Technician, Groswold Ski Co., Denver, GO; technical director, Univ. of Nevada alpine events and U.S. Air Force annual ski competitions; training director, USAF Combat Survival, Stead AFB, NV; timing official, 1960 Olympic Winter Games, Squaw Valley, CA.
HAWKINS, JOHN (85-I): Co-director, City of Reno, NV, ski programs, 1952-54; director, Carson City, NV, junior ski programs.
HAWLEY, SAMUEL S. (86-B): Ski patrol member, Butternut Basin, Great Barrington, MA.
HEALY, WILLIAM A. (86-Hq): Founder and president, Mt. Bachelor ski area, OR; honorary captain, U.S. Olympic Biathlon Ski Team, 1992 and 1994.
HEATH, ED (85th): Ski school director, Green Valley Lake, CA.
HEFTI, JULIUS (87-F): Ski instructor; equipment/clothing retailer.
HEIDENREICH, STANLEY C. (86-G): Manager, Whiteface Mountain, NY; Chairman, USEASA Certified Professional Ski Instructors Committee; president, Heidelberg Ski Club, NY
HENDERSON, DONALD (87-Hq-1): Ski school director, Tenney Mountain, NH; Alpine events coach, U.S. Olympic team and Holderness School, NH.
HENNIG, ANDY (85-G): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID.
HERBERT, BERNARD H. (87-K): Civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO
HINDERMAN, KARL (MTG): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID, and Big Mountain, MT.
HOCK, NICK (87-H): Publisher, SKI Magazine; associate publisher, SKIING Magazine; publisher, Ski Business Magazine; director of advertising, Lange Ski Boot Co., 1969-73,
HOE, JIM (10th Recon/MTG): Ski instructor.
HOOKER, BOB: Manager, Moosilaukee Ravine Ski Lodge, NH.
HOWELL, JAMES R. (87-Hq): Ski school director, Casper Mountain, NY.
HURLEY, LESLIE J. (87-K): Director, Military Ski Club, Norwich University, VT.
HURST, JOHN W. (85-SVC): Director, University of Vermont ski team, 1949-50; ski instructor, Belleayre Mountain, NY, 1 958-1962; ski instructor, New England Handicapped Sports Assn.
HURT, GEORGE (87-A): Manager, Hidden Valley ski area, Estes Park, CO.
JAQUITH, IRVING (87-L): Ski lodge owner.
JAMES, STEWART S. (87-A): Ski instructor, Tacoma, WA, Ski Club and Tacoma Mountaineers, 1946-48.
JANSS, WILLIAM (10th Recon): Owner, Sun Valley, ID; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
JAY, JOHN (MTG): Ski cinematographer; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
JENNINGS, H. DEVEREAUX (85-l): Ski shop owner, Salt Lake City, UT, and Los Angeles, CA; editor, New England Ski Magazine; executive director, Ski New England; president, New England Ski Museum; member, U.S. Olympic Ski Team, 1948; recipient, Golden Quill Award from North American Ski Journalists Assn., 1990; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
JENNINGS, JOHN G. (10th Recon/MTG): Ski lift representative.
JENSEN, ROBERT N. (86-E): Ski school director, Bogus Basin, ID.
Assistant ski school director, Cranmore Mountain, NH.
JOHNSON, ELVIN (86-L): Member, U.S. cross country team, 1950 FIS World Championships; ski coach, Whitman College and Wenatchee Valley College, WA; assistant chief of course for Nordic events, 1960 Winter Olympic Games, Squaw Valley, CA; charter member and chairman, NCAA Rules Committee; member, Northwest Ski Hall of Fame.
JOHNSON, ART (85-F): Ski instructor, Snow Ridge, NY, 1945-46; certified USEASA instructor, 1948; certified Rocky Mountain Ski Assn. instructor, 1951; certified PSIA, 1962; ski instructor, Arapaho Basin and Loveland Basin, CO, and Mad River Glen, VT.
JOHNSON, IRVING (85-Hq-1): Founder/co-owner, Pine Mountain ski area, Iron Mountain, Ml..
JOHNSON, JAMES (87-L): Ski instructor, Winter Park, CO.
JONES, JOSEPH CO. (87-L): Manager, Middlebury Snow Bowl, VT; coach, Middlebury College women’s ski team; member, Vermont Tramway Board.
JORDAN, CARL (86-A): Chief, U.S. Army ski patrol, Garmisch, Germany; ski patrol director, Winter Park, CO.
JUDSON, W. DAVID, Jr. (86-I): Owner/operator, Otis Ridge ski area, MA; owner/operator and ski school director, Mohawk Mountain, CT.
JUMP, LAWRENCE A. (87-Hq-2): Founder and president, Arapaho Basin, CO; member, Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
KASKY, ANTHONY (87-F): President, Edelweiss Ski Club, Greenfield, MA.
KAUFMAN, RICHARD D. (86-B): Ski club founder/president, Colorado State College; member, National Ski Patrol.
KEATING, ARTHUR W. (87-E): Ski school director, Mt. Sunapee, NH.
KEHOE, VINCENT (86-E): Ski school director, Nashoba Valley, MA.
KIRBACH, ARNOLD R. (86-K): Ski instructor, Pico Peak, VT, 1947-61; ski instructor, Killington, VT, 1962-67.
KLEIN, WILHELM “BILL” (87-A): Ski school director, Sugar Bowl and Norden ski areas, CA; ski shop owner.
KNOWLTON, STEVE (86-Hq): Member, U.S. Olympic Ski Team, 1948, and U.S. FIS Ski Team, 1950; executive director, Colorado Ski Country USA; member, Colorado and U.S. National Ski Halls of Fame.
KRAMER, FRITZ L (10th Recon): Ski team coach, Seattle College, 1946-47; ski patrol leader, Stevens Pass, WA, 1947-48; ski instructor, Stevens Pass, Sun Valley, Snoqualmie Ski Acres and Reno, 1948-60; Alpine events official, 1960 Winter Olympic Games, Squaw Valley, CA; varsity ski coach, Colorado College, 1962-64; member, National Ski Patrol.
LATHROP, FRANCIS C. (87-I): Director, Nationwide Ski Camps.
LaVIGNE, GORDON (86th): Ski School Director, Chewelah Peak, WA.
LEIBOWITZ, ROBERT R. (86-I): National Ski Patrol, 1949-1987; ski instructor.
LEONARD, CHELTON (86-E): Class A Alpine events racer, 1947-52; captain, University of Nevada ski team; ski coach/instructor, 1952-79; 20-year member, Professional Ski Instructors of America; member, 1960 U.S. Olympic Committee, 1958-60; assistant
sports technical director, 1960 Winter Olympic Games, Squaw Valley, CA; chairman, National Intercollegiate Ski Committee, 1955-60; executive director, U.S. National Ski Assn., 1960-62.
LIMMER, FRANCIS X (86-A): Third-generation ski boot manufacturer, NH.
UNDHJEM, NORMAN C. (86-L): Proprietor, Hjalmar Hvam Ski Shop, Portland, OR, 1946-49; ski instructor, Portland OR Jaycee Ski School; 1955-65.
LINK, ED (10th Recon): Director, U.S. Army Recreation Center, Garmisch, Germany; developer, Crystal Mountain, WA; U.S. Olympic Alpine events official; U.S. FIS delegate; winner of numerous national and international titles in Senior competition.
LINSCOTT, WILLIAM S. (85-F): Ski instructor, Otis Ridge, MA.
LITCHFIELD, JOHN (Div Hq): Ski school director, Sun Valley, ID, 1949-53; ski instructor, Aspen, CC, 1945-48; president, Pacific Northwest Ski Assn., 1949-50; president, Rocky Mountain Chapter, National Assn. of the 10th Mountain Division; one of only 17 to hold the coveted Sun Valley Diamond Sun Award. Member U.S. National and Colorado Ski Halls of Fame and Maine Sports Hall of Fame.
LIVERMORE, ROBERT, JR. (Div Hq): Member, U.S. Olympic team, 1936; one of founders of National Ski Patrol System; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
LODDERS, RICHARD 0. (86-C): Ski area manager in Montana; member of University of Montana ski team; editor, Ski Views for U.S. Ski Association.
LONSDORF, FRED (87-L): Developer/manager Mt. Ripley ski area, Houghton, MI, 1947-49; ski coach, Michigan Tech University ski team, 1947-79; member, U.S. Ski Coaches Assn., Professional Ski Instructors of America and National Ski Patrol.
LOWE, GORDON (87th): Manager, Spruce Peak, Stowe, VT; certified ski instructor, Dutch Hill, VT.
LUCAS, ANDREW L. (85-F): Ski team member, Western State College, Gunnison, CC; president, San Diego CA Ski Club, 1957-59.
MacKENZIE, M.N. “MAC” (85-C); First ski school director, Mt. Sunapee, NH; president, National Association of the 10th Mountain Division, Inc.
MADSEN, ARNIE: Ski patrol, Sun Valley, ID.
MANNINEN, OLLIE (85-l): Ski school director, Mt. Watchusett, MA.
MANSFIELD, RICHARD C. (85-E): President, University of New Hampshire Outing Club; member, ski team, University of New Hampshire.
MANVILLE, CONRAD A. (85-H): Director, U.S. Eastern Amateur Ski Assn.
MATHEWS, THOMAS (605FA): Ski instructor, Brighton and Alta, UT, 1945-49; partner in Jan’s Ski Shop. Park City, UT.
MATT, ANTON “TONI” (MTG): Ski school director, Mt. Cranmore, NH, Big Mountain, MT, and Whiteface Mountain, NY; member, US FIS team, 1950; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
MAURIN, LAWRENCE B. (MTG): President, Central U.S. Ski Assn; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
MAY, RICHARD T. (87-M): Marketing director, Wildcat Mountain, NH.
McCLELLAN, JOHN (87-Hq-1): Ski instructor, North Conway, NH; ski coach, University of Wyoming; ski school director, Big Horn, WY
McDONNEL, JOHN H.: Ski instructor, North Creek, NY.
McDONALD, JOHN (87-M): Ski instructor, Berthoud Pass, CO, 194749; Assistant ski school director, North Conway, NH
McJURY, RUSSELL (87-I): President, Mt. Hood Ski Bowl, Inc., OR.
McNAMARA, JAMES: Ski school director, Sugar Bowl, CA.
METZGER, ELDON (MTG): Civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO.
MIKKELSON, ROY (87-E): Member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
MILLER, TED (87-I): Owner, Bowcraft Ski/Sports Shop, Scotch Plains, N].
MILLS, WILLARD H. (87-I): Ski instructor, Smuggler Notch, NH, 1965-79.
MONTAGNE, JOHN (85-Hq): Ski patrol leader, Jackson Hole, WY, 1947-48; ski patrol director, Bozeman,
MT, 1960-65; member, National Ski Patrol; chairman, International Snow Science Workshop, 1982; president, American Assn. of Avalanche Professionals, 1991-92.
MORRISON, GEORGE (86-C).: Ski instructor, Peddler Hill, CA, 1947; member, Sacramento College Ski Team, 1946-47;
MURPHY, JACK (87-F): Ski school director, Alpine Meadows, CA, Saratoga Springs, NY, and Mond du Lac, WI; manager, Mad River Glen, VT, 1952-56; founder/director, Sugarbush ski resort, Waitsfield, VT.
NELSON, GEORGE, JR. (85-C): Founder/manager, Lutsen ski area, MN.
NEUBERGER, FRED (85-I): Ski coach, Middlebury College, VT.
NEURON, WALTER (86-Hq-3): Ski School director, Snow Trails ski area, Mansfield, 0, 1962-90.
NORDHAUS, ROBERT (IOQM): Founder/manager, Santa Fe Ski Basin and Sandia Peak ski area, NM.
OMLAND, ERLING (87-K): Ski patrol, Pico Peak, VT.
O’NEILL, ROBERT I. “SNUFFY” (10th Recon): Ski patrol, Aspen, CO; ski instructor, Catamount, NY; noted ski cartoonist.
OSBORN, SCOTT (MTG): Co-owner, Osborn-UIIand ski specialty shop, Seattle, WA.
PARKER, JACQUES (86-C): He was the finest ski illustrator in history, including the famous "knothole" print for Ski Magazine.
PARKER, ROBERT W. (87-Hq): Ski instructor; managing editor, National SKIING; author of numerous ski articles for special-interest publications; joined Vail Associates in 1962 as assistant general manager and publicity director; later held positions as vice president of marketing, senior vice president and senior vice president of operations; retired in 1987; member, Colorado and U.S. National Ski Halls of Fame.
PARKER, SCOLLAY C. (85-C): District snow ranger and ski area planner, U.S. Forest Service, CA, 1959-77; instrumental in expansion of Sierra Ski Area, Twin Bridges, CA.
PEDERSON, ERNEST 0. (87-Hq): Civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CC; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
PELKEY, EDWARD S. (87-F): Ski school director, Berthoud Pass and Loveland Basin, CC; co-director, Denver Post Ski School 1951 -53.
PERKINS, HENRY 0. (10-Qm): Owner, Perkins Lodge, Mad River Glen, VT; assistant manager, Sugar Bush Lodge, VT.
PERRAULT, JOE (126 Eng): Holder of U.S. jumping record; member, U.S. Olympic ski team, 1948 and 1952; member, U.S. Ff5 team, 1950; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
PERRY, JOSEPH S. (87-C): Ski school director, Mt. Pisgah, NY.
PERRY-SMITH, CROSBY f86-Hq-2): Civilian instructor, Mountain and Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO; member, Denver University ski team; member, Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
PETERS, BERNARD L. (85-E): Director, Hannes Schneider Ski School, North Conway, NH.
PETRUSKA, ANDREW (87-K): President, Troy Ski Club, NY.
PFEIFER, FRIEDL (87-A): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID; co-founder, Aspen ski area, including design and construction of ski trails; director, Aspen Ski School; member Colorado and U.S. National Ski Halls of Fame.
PHILLIPS, ABBOT “BUD” (86-F): Ski school director, Mad River Glen, VT.
PIEREN, ALFRED F. “FREDDY” (86-Hq-1): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID: ski design consultant for Head, Voit and Olin ski manufacturing companies; early developer of mechanical waxing/buffing equipment for wooden skis.
POPP, JIM (85-A): Ski team member and coach, University of Oregon, 1947-59.
POSCHMAN, HARRY (85-D): Ski instructor, Aspen Ski School, and owner of Edelweiss Ski Lodge, Aspen, CO. Also helped build Aspen’s first ski lift.
POTTER, FREDERICK (110 Sig): Founder, Sno Pocket ski area, Washington, CT, 1947.
POWERS, LARRY “GRATZ” (86-Hq): Ski school director, Donner Ski Ranch and Soda Spring, CA; ski shop owner, San Francisco, CA; ski clothing/equipment importer, Whittlesey-Powers; associated in later years with suppliers, including Wolverine, Taiwan Interski, Gratz Powers Associates and Dubin Sportswear, USA.
PRAGER, WALTER (87-Hq-3): Coach, Dartmouth ski team, 1936-1 941 and 1946-1957; ski school director, Whiteface Mountain, NY, 1 957-1962; coach, U.S. Olympic ski team, 1948; ski school director, Squaw Valley, CA; two-time World Downhill champion; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
PRESNAR, FRANK J. (86-F): Ski instructor, Otis Ridge, MA.
PRINGHAM, PETER (MTG): Ski show owner, New York City and Vermont.
PRUZAN, HARRY (87-E): Member, Steven Pass ski patrol, WA, 1946-79; director, 1958-59.
PUCHNER, PHILIP F. (87-G): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID.
PUTNAM, WILLIAM C. (85-L): Founder, Mt. Washington volunteer ski patrol, 1947; president, American Alpine Club, 1974-76; vice president, International Association of Mountain Clubs; trustee, Mt. Washington Observatory; editor, climbing guide books and “Green Cognac - The Education of a Mountain Fighter.”
QUINN, VINCENT (87-M): Owner of 11 ski shops, 1947-1990, including locations in New Hampshire, Vermont, New York and New Jersey.
RAND, JOHN A. (87-Hq-3): Executive Director, Dartmouth Outing Club.
RANSOM, ANDREW: Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID, and Aspen, CO.
RANKINE, DAVID (86-A): Ski instructor, Berthoud Pass, CO; manager, Mt. Shasta ski area, CA.
RASOR, HERBERT]. (MTG): Civilian instructor, Mountain & Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO.
REID, DUNCAN (85-B): Ski instructor, examiner, Pacific Northwest Ski Association; ski writer & photographer.
REINIG, HARRY J. (86-A): President, Northern Rocky Mountain Ski Association.
RICHARDSON, NORMAN (87th): Director, U.S. Amateur Ski Association.
RICHARDSON, VANCE A. (86-H): Ski coach and director, Gould Academy Outing Club, ME; ski instructor, Sunday River, ME.
RIDEOUT, PERCY (86-F): Captain, Dartmouth College ski team; ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID.
ROACH, WILLIAM F. (87-M): Ski instructor, Otis Ridge, MA.
ROBINSON, NEIL: Ski instructor, Big Bromley, VT; ski school director, Big Boulder and Glen Ellyn, PA.
RODEGARD, OLAF (87th): Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID; ski school director, Anthony Lakes and Mt. Hood, OR; owner of ski lift and ski shop, Nesbeyen, Norway
R0SSI, FLOYD (87-Hq): Manager, Jacobs Ladder Ski Trails, East Lee, MA
RUSSELL, MALCOLM C. (86-C): Ski school director, Moose Hill, MA.
SARBACH, HANS (85-Hq-1): Sales rep/consultant for ski lift designers/manufacturers, including Heron, Constam and Bell; manager and ski school director, Mt. Lionhead, West Yellowstone, MT.
SAWYER, ROBERT (86-Med): Ski patrol member, Cannon Mountain, NH, 1946-47.
SCHMIDT, KARL F. (86-B): Ski instructor/guide for programs conducted by National Handicapped Sports Assn.
SCHNACKENBURG, KARL: Ski instructor, Steamboat Springs, CO.
SCHNACKENBURG, RUDI (85-B): Ski school director, Winter Park, CD, 1953-55, and Steamboat Springs, CC; named “Instructor of the Year,” 1972-73, by Professional Ski Instructors of America; founding member of Rocky Mountain Ski Instructors Assn.; member, Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
SCHNEIDER, HERBERT (86-Hq): Director, Hannes Schneider Ski School, Mt. Cranmore, NH, 1946-55: president of school, 1955-63; general manager, 1963-84; author, “Let’s Go Skiing,” 1967; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
SEIBERT, PETER (86-F): Founder and president, Vail, CD; manager, Deer Valley, UT, Loveland Basin, CC, and Aspen Highlands, CO; founder and owner, Snow Basin, Ogden, UT; served as president of both the American Ski Federation and National Ski Areas Assn.; member, US. FIS team, 1950; member, Colorado and U.S. National Ski Halls of Fame.
SENNER, GEORGE R. (85-Hq): Manager, Schneefernerhaus/Zugspitz Mountain Hotel, Garmisch, Germany, for U.S. military; Mountain and Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO; ski patrol, Stevens Pass, WA, and Mt. Rainier (Paradise), 1946-51; ski instructor, Crystal Mountain, WA, 1957-82.
SMITH, CLAYTON (86-G): Ski team member, Norwich University, VT; ski patrol, Pico Peak, VT.
SMITH, KNUTE: Ski instructor, Aspen, CO.
SNELL, JAMES (85-D): Ski instructor, Otis Ridge, MA.
SORENSEN, HARALD “POP” (87-B): Director, ski jumping school, Winter Park, CC; jumping coach, U.S. Olympic Team, 1952, and FIS Team, 1950; member, Colorado and U.S. National Ski Halls of Fame.
SORIA, ALBERT E. (87-L): President, Albany Ski Club, NY, 1951-52, and patrol leader, 1954-70; section chief, National Ski Patrol, 1959-69; USEASA alpine events official, 1969-80; USEASA certified amateur ski instructor, 1952-80; USEASA ski instructor examiner, 1954-75.
SPARKS, KERR A., JR. (87-M): Ski school director, Mt. Mansfield, VT; president, Mt. Mansfield Ski Club; organizer of Professional Ski Instructors of America.
SPIDAHL, WALTER: Ski instructor, Fergus Falls MN ski club.
ST. JOHN, LEIGH (85-L): Ski instructor, Mt. Hood, OR, Cliff Ridge and Porcupine Hill, Ml.
STANLEY, GLENN: Ski instructor, Sun Valley, ID
STILLMAN, RICHARD: Ski/snow ranger and avalanche hazard forecaster, U.S. Forest Service, CC; snow safety official, 1960 Winter Olympic Games, Squaw Valley, CA; member, Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
STINGL, KARL (87-Hq-1): Coach, University of Seattle ski team.
SYMONDS, CLARE (85-I): Ski instructor, Mt. Sunapee, NH.
TAYLOR, CLIF (86th): Ski school director, Hogback Mountain, VT; ski instructor, Mad River Glen, VT, and Stonehenge, CC; developer of short-ski teaching technique; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
TEICHNER, HANS “PEPPI” (87-L): Ski instructor, Aspen, CO, and Sun Valley, ID; president, Sugarloaf Winter Sports Club, WI; member, U.S, National Ski Hall of Fame.
THOMPSON, BENTON F. (10th Recon): Anderson & Thompson Ski Company, Seattle, WA.
THORN, THADDEUS (86-A): Manager, Attitash Mountain, NH.
TORRISON, BERGER (87-Hq-3): Coach, Stead Air Force Base ski team; junior jumping coach; member, U.S. Olympic Ski Team, 1936; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
TOWNSEND, RALPH (87-K): Ski team coach, Williams College, MA; director, Williams College Outing Club; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame
TRAYNOR, DONALD E. (86-Hq): Ski instructor and ski area operator; ski equipment and clothing designer.
TREPP, LAVERNE 0. (86th): Founder & co-owner, Pine Mountain ski area, MI.
TSCHOL, OTTO (10th Recon): Director, Hannes Schneider Ski School, Mt. Cranmore, NH.
TUREK, ELTON (87-M): Owner/manager, Veterans Sport Shop, Hartford, CT, 1946-76
VAN INGEN, WILLIAM D. (85-MeU-3): Ski patrol, Bromley Mountain, VT, 1947-49; board of directors, USEASA, 1953; ski patrol, Spring Mountain, PA, 1972; member Pennsylvania Ski Hall of Fame.
VAN SAUN, RICK (87-G): Ski instructor/coach, Syracuse University, NY.
WAGNER, HARRY A. “HANS” (85-A): Civilian instructor, Mountain and Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO.
WALKER, STANLEY T. (86-A): Civilian instructor, Mountain and Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, CO.
WALBURG, FELIX M. (87-Hq-1): Ski patrol, Bromley Mountain, VT. 1947-49; ski team, Harvard University, 1946-49; involved in master plan design of facilities for 1960 Winter Olympic Games, Squaw Valley, CA; coordinating architect for U.S. Navy/Marine Winter Warfare Training Center, Pickle Meadows, CA, 1988.
WARE, ROBERT (85-A): Ski instructor, Keystone, CO.
WAYMAN, CLAIRL C. (87-L): Ski patrol, Aspen, CO; ski shop owner, South Lake Tahoe, CA; ski instructor, Heavenly Valley, CA; ski patrol director, Loveland Basin, CO; organizer/director, Courtesy Ski Patrol, Vail, CO.
WEBB, CHARLES J., II (86-F): Instructor, Aspen Ski School, GO, 1947-48.
WEIDEMANN, ERNST: Ski instructor, Taos, NM, and Sugar Bowl, Norden, CA.
WEISS, RALPH (87-Med): U.S. Forest Service avalanche and ski area administrator, Mt. Baker, WA, 1948-52, and Mt. Hood/Timberline Lodge, OR, 1952-57; USFS ski area development, Mt. Ashland, OR, 1958-61.
WELLINGTON, DUKE (86-B): Ski instructor, Arapaho Basin and Breckenridge, GO; certified alpine events official and ski jumping judge.
WESSON, GEORGE B. (87-B): Ski patrol leader, Sugarbush, VT; safety director, Killington, VT.
WHITCHER, LEWIS L. (87-L): Ski instructor and ski patrol, Sun Valley, ID.
WILLIAMS, H. SEWALL (85-H): Employed at Sig Buchmayer and Andre Ski Shops in NYC; manager, Ulla Ski Lodge, Mad River Glen, VT; manager Sugar Bush, VT, ski shop.
WILMOT, LEON (87-Hq): Civilian instructor, Mountain and Cold Weather Training Command, Camp Carson, GO; president, Ski Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO.
WILSON, RICHARD M. (85-M): Ski instructor, Berthoud Pass, GO; 1948-50; managing editor, National Skiing, 1950-54; editor, The Blizzard, 1986-92; member, National Ski Patrol and Denver Metropolitan ski patrol; independent marketing/public relations consultant to ski resort management, 1960-65; volunteer publicity/public relations fat National Handicapped Sports Association; board member, New England Ski Museum.
WINTHERS, JAMES R. (85-G): Ski school director, Soda Spring and Donner Ski Ranch, CA; member, President’s Council on Physical Fitness; founder, National Amputee Ski Assn, forerunner of National Handicapped Sports Assn.
WOOWARD, JOHN (87-Hq-1): Ski shop manager, Seattle, WA, 1946-54; director, Seattle Times Ski School, 1947-51; director, mens/womens ski programs, University of Washington, 1951-54; executive vice president/partner, Anderson & Thompson Ski Company, Seattle, WA, 1954-75: member, board of directors, Ski Industries America, 1960-64; winner of four gold medals at 1988 and 1991 National Masters Alpine Ski Championships; member, U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame.
WOODS, LENNY: Director, ski patrol, Aspen, CO.
WREN, GORDON (87-E): Manager, Loveland Basin, CO, Steamboat Springs, CO, and Jackson Hole, WY, ski areas; member U.S. Olympic Ski Team, 1948, and U.S. FIS Team, 1950; director/coach, junior ski program, Reno, NV; member, U.S. National and Colorado Ski Halls of Fame.
WRIGHT, JACK (85-B): Ski Patrol, Park City, Utah; First Aid and Winter Emergency Care Supervisor, Intermountain Division, National Ski Patrol System.
WRIGHT, ROBERT “RAINBOW”: Ski coach, St. Lawrence University, NY.
WRIGHT, ROBERT: Ski instructor, Fried I Pfeifer Ski School, Aspen, GO, 1946-56.
ZORICH, GEORGE “BUD” (87-K): Ski school director, Soda Springs, CA.
ZOBERSKI, RAY (85-G): Manager, Breckenridge ski area, CO; ski instructor, Monarch Pass, CO.